Monday, October 31, 2005
I can't believe it's been a month since I updated the blog! We have been really busy lately... Dan has been helping with the Haunted House, and I had my first full month as an Independent Kitchen Consultant for the Pampered Chef! I love doing it, and you can't beat loving what you do! If anyone is interested in seeing a catalog, I can email you the online link to it, or mail you a catalog. Just drop me a line and let me know! As far as the kids go, Hannah got her first tooth (visible in some of the pics below, I think), and really started walking last Tuesday while I was at the Totem Inn playing poker. Figures! I'm with her all freakin' day and she waits for me to leave to start walking. Stinker. At least Dan was there. Steven got all A's on his first report card, and is doing wonderfully at school. Anyway, that's all that's going on here...hope everyone else is doing well!