Sunday, July 23, 2006
The New Directors in the lobby of the hotel (Sheraton Towers).
Dawn, Jean Jonas (Senior Vice President of Sales), Becky, and Sheila. Jean is so cute and funny! Everyone just loves her!
Dawn, Becky, and Sheila pose in front of the sign at the New Director Breakfast. The food was fantastic!
New Directors onstage!
Marla (CEO) and Doris (founder) onstage in the closing general session of National Conference 2006
Debbie, Sheila, Becky, Dawn, Jana, and Carlene
Jana, Dawn, Doris Christopher (founder of The Pampered Chef), Sheila, and Becky... right after this picture we got to hug and meet Doris, and I cried like a baby!
This is the sign out in front of the Field Museum in Chicago where the Director's Special Event was
We ate dinner right under the watchful eye of Sue the Tyrannosaurus Rex!
The exquisite dessert at the Director's Event held at the Field Museum in Chicago. This was "An Egyptian Pyramid of Milk Chocolate Mousse on Devil's Food Cake with Golden Chocolate King Tut garnish, Mango Sauce and mascerated Fresh Mango" catered by Wolfgang Puck!
Sheila, Becky, and Dawn at the Executive Director Banquet
Steven waits impatiently for our luggage in Chicago O'Hare
Right before me and the kids left for Chicago, I looked out the window and there was a Mama Moose and her two Baby Moose having breakfast in our side yard! These pics were taken out of the windows in the dining room!
Mama Moose looks at me and says, "I know you are there."
Baby Moose play in my side yard
Mama Moose snacks on my birch trees through the chicken wire
Some of my wild violets
Steven looks around under the alders on the Knoll
Steven pops balloons with darts at the Gypsy Street Fair
Hannah hams it up at the Gypsy Street Fair on 4th of July weekend in Homer
View of the house from the Knoll
Hannah prepares to throw the ball at me
Steven coming up the hill
The kids play with Hannah's new ball. No I didn't pose them! He really came up and hugged her like that!
Hannah looking for something to terrorize